Intelligent Automation

Actionable Case Management

A powerful, effective and collaborative tool to understand case details with a complete 360º view of each issue.
Connect the dots between people, process, and data

Connect the dots between people, process, and data

Active Intelligence's case management enables a greater ability to change the team collaboration workflows over time, particularly compared with packaged applications and traditional custom application development. As part of our approach, we enable caseworkers to make dynamic and ad hoc changes to specific in-flight cases. Active Intelligence case management improves the visibility of work status within a case, which increases manageability and worker collaboration. At the same time, it provides an audit trail at the individual case level for compliance and other regulatory oversight requirements. These benefits reduce costs, both initially and over the life cycle of the solution. This enables workers to create an action specific to an individual case, such as:
  • Request additional data
  • Route the case to be reviewed by someone who isn't a predefined participant in this work area
  • Request input and assistance from a co-worker
  • Repeat a previous action or actions
  • Delay action until a particular time or event
Adaptive Workflows

Automate complex processes by unifying data and actions

As the telecom business becomes more complex, with greater demands for operational oversight, case management can be used as a process style to address risk management and CCM with complex process orchestration requirements and management of business entity life cycles. This can provide visibility across all the tasks (transactions, and date, structured and unstructured) related to that business entity.
By putting the case as the primary object to be managed to a positive outcome, rather than the workflow (the sequencing of prescribed activities) we can bring interactions between content, people, business, evidence, and regulatory policies with the aim of achieving an optimal outcome.

Support for BPMN 2.0 flows allows power users to define both interactive user actions and automated actions in response to specific events while stating case SLAs and escalation paths for the processes or sub-processes.

Empower your teams with data to drive informed decisions

Product screenshots

Improve efficiency, and give your team more time to focus on their most important with automated actions

The ability to quickly react to issues is critical for minimizing losses associated with fraud threats, revenue, and cost leakages. 
Reduce manual labor and mistakes by automating routine tasks, optimizing complex decisions, and bridging systems.
Active Intelligence lets you define manual and automatic actions associated with each case type.
This includes gathering all the required information to quickly diagnose and close a case, requesting collaboration, or sending emails or alert messages to full integrations with external services through APIs and web services.
Automated Actions

Learn how Active Intelligence's ‘data lake’ can turn into an ocean of telecom intelligence and actions

Schedule a meeting with us and see what Active Intelligence can do for your business.
Case management fueled with machine-learning

Case management fueled with machine-learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly getting attention from enterprise decision-makers. So, it’s not a surprise that AI use-cases are growing rapidly. AI, or more precisely, machine learning, improves the processing capabilities of case management resolution by repeated exposure to data and actions.
This means that while the system is initially guided by a set of rules, its identification and processing capabilities continually improve. In any case, AI is meant to supplement, not to replace the human factor. And its knowledge can never go beyond what it has learned from humans.
As such, AI attached to our case management and risk management offers can leverage more data than the human brain could assess at any given point. From advances in data processing speeds, lower costs, big data volume, to the integration of data science into technology, AI has become the perfect assistant in our case management.

Access a prebuilt catalog of telecom products on top of Active Intelligence low-code platform

Risk Management
Risk Management and Continous Control Monitoring
Automate risk management processes through continuous control monitoring on telecom processes that improve profits, revenues, and cash flows without influencing demand. Access a prebuilt catalog of high-impact revenue assurance risks on telecom processes, and improve your risk-based approach by applying continuous control monitoring on top of data. Empower risk-based decisions across the telecom value chain with a unified data environment and analytics derived by the Active Intelligence platform.
Roaming, Network and Security
Roaming, Network and Security 
Our comprehensive portfolio of Roaming, Network, and Security products provides the deepness and coverage to support communication service providers with the most robust and high-performing network solutions. Our products integrate data insights with our expert knowledge to offer service providers the backup they need. Our products help our customers to improve network services by simplifying their operations, responding quickly to fast-changing demand, secure their operations, and get the most from their resources to ensure maximum service performance and reliability.
Automated Testing and Monitoring
Automated Testing and Monitoring
Automate and run your tests earlier and more frequently to discover errors sooner. Create realistic workloads, track SLAs, and analyze the root cause of any issue. Test network and services at various stages of telecommunications product development life-cycle. Furthermore, automation enables stress-free network maintenance as most repetitive and time-consuming tasks are taken care of by specialized engines blending Rule Base, Closed Loop, and ML operations. Add testing automation that acts as the foundation pillar to manage the E2E user experience.
Collaborative Issue Resolution

Collaborative case management that brings multiple actors into issue resolution

Collaboration is key to diagnosing and effectively closing a case. Active Intelligence Case Management fosters collaboration by assigning the next task in the workflow to the proper user or team, monitoring response times and escalating when necessary.

Even when dealing with exceptions, you are able to create Ad Hoc tasks to request collaboration for those situations. And everything is kept within the case context, with every action recorded to ensure traceability and meet any governance and audit requirements.

One platform that cut the data silos between all telecom applications and insights

Digital business depends on a flexible application portfolio that enables delightful digital experiences, that support new ways of doing business, and that makes the most of new technologies.

Productivity Driven

Active Intelligence case management can increase information worker productivity, provide transparency for case settlement decisions, improve compliance, facilitate collaboration among caseworkers, better coordinate information flows and provide better monitoring of case status.
Resolution-time helps you track the average amount of time spent resolving issues. Active Intelligence ’s adaptive case management tool was built from scratch and specifically designed to reduce time to resolution. Monitor process performance from a technical and business perspective. Track all case activity and history in the case timeline, define SLAs and escalation paths.
Productivity Driven

Dynamic case prioritization

Focusing on what is most important is key for business analysts, so Active Intelligence cases prioritization is based on both the potential risk of the threat and on its potential financial impact.

By aggregating defined and calculated risk scores for each fraud and business validation rules that contributes to the case creation, and combining them with other risk indicators, Active Intelligence is able to sort cases by impact to your organization, thus helping you to manage teams in the most effective way.
Dynamic Case Priority
Full Process Traceability

Full Process Traceability

Active Intelligence case management records every action associated with each specific case to ensure the traceability of the platform and meet any governance and audit requirements. Each case is a unique situation that involves complex interactions between content, people, business and regulatory policies to achieve an optimal outcome.
Casework involves information, judgment, experience and policies, and strives to balance multiple and often contradictory perspectives about rights, entitlements, settlements, risks and money to reach an optimal (not perfect) outcome for all involved parties. The built-in case timeline enables you to have a full view of the history of each case, records all the interactions occurred during the case life cycle, stores all the exchanged documents and comments, ensures a complete understanding of current case status, and fosters faster response times.
AI-powered assisted Case resolution

AI-powered assisted Case resolution

Active Intelligence case management helps you to optimize the time spent investigating each threat by providing out-of-the-box automatic case assistants.

Built-in dynamic workflows enable power users to define prioritized and case specific ad-hoc tasks created together with each case for guiding analysts in case resolution in order to optimize the time spent solving each issue.
Each case is a unique situation that involves complex interactions between content, people and business or regulatory policies to achieve an optimal outcome.

Although the activities and policies may be well established, the progression of each case is variable. Active Intelligence case management uses information, machine learning and policies as inputs to alert and resolve multiple risk cases.

Leverage robotic process automation (RPA) for end-to-end case resolution

Easy and robust integration with third party tools and services can be a plus to boost productivity, reduces errors and to increase the level of automation. Active Intelligence enables end-to-end case resolution by taking advantage of robotic process automation (RPA) to fix identified issues faster and more efficiently, allowing teams to focus on higher value tasks.
Adaptive workflows can be defined on Active Intelligence case management, accordingly with the underlying business auditing logic as well as including tasks dealing specifically with RPA integration that leverage root cause analysis to automate issue resolution.
Leverage Robotic Process Automation Integration For Automated Case Resolution