
Test Automation Private Systems

Release Notes

Mobile Testing Enterprise Release Notes (9.4.0)

User Guides

Mobile Testing Enterprise Interactive User Guide (device interaction)
Studio Scripting Guide (automated scripting and execution)
Quick Command Reference
UIAutomation Compatibility for iOS Applications

Helpful Information

Mobile Testing Enterprise Guide to Image Matching
Mobile Testing Enterprise Guide to Text Matching
Best Practices for Object Scripting
White Paper: Building a Test Device List with the Device Planner


Mobile Testing Enterprise Java API
Mobile Testing Enterprise Java Examples
Mobile Testing Enterprise – REST API

Installation and Onboarding

Installing Local Device Server and Studio
Android Device Onboarding Guide

How-To Videos


Create a Project and Add Devices to the Project
Adapt the Same Script to Other Devices
Create an Action and Implement a Script on One Device
Use Record Feature
Use Drag-and-Drop Feature
Use Objects – Touch, Edit and Swipe
Use Wait Event – Image, Text, and Object
Create Loop and Data Set
Use Extract Text Feature
Execute Attended Automation
Install Application Using an APK File
Create Test Cases
Create Logic If Statements